The apparent corruption in the Edison Motors case and widespread lack of housing would be glaring issues that require fixing.
Free Trade, yes, maybe. But they are to distant and have fundamental issues that we might not be able to beat. Their geography and distribution is very unusual compared to Europe.
Das Problem ist da nicht, dass die Produkte preiswert sind, sondern dass das Kontrollieren einzelner Sendungen nicht praktikabel ist.
Effektiv wäre es die Versandten Produkte einmal zu Testen und dann nur noch Stichproben zu nehmen solange die Inhalte laut Packliste geprüft sind.
Erhöhung der Abgaben für kranke. Karenztag. Keine KV für minderwertige.
Such dir das Menschenfeindlichste aus.
Nicht unplausibel. Man Stelle sich vor man hätte getan was er getan hat.
That's a Prime Resonator from Path of Exile
Den Text im Pfosten zu verstecken macht das MaiMai unverständlich solange man nur das Bild sieht. Mach den doch vielleicht als Bildunterschrift mit ins Bild.
Not even a surprise open sourcing...
Nvidia did it better :)
Attribution, bitte.
Great thinking on censoring their face.
While your sentiment that it is not that bad may be true, the numbers you cited mean nothing.
Death by shark is rather unlikely, but swimming in shark waters while bloodied might still be more dangerous than numbers suggest.
We live in the safest time. But also hear of a lot of bad shit happening every day.
What repoir does the wiki have? It seems well written enough, but I don't trust these kinds of things unless a person with something to lose backs them.
There is a strictly correct answer. The mugs. Please note that they cannot exist due to issues with glaze application.
Speed limits are somewhat enforced in Germany. Just because you can floor it at times does not mean you can go 100 in a 50.
Das Problem ist, dass numlock überhaupt existiert. Dauert bei mir auch ne Sekunde bis ich das realisier.
Thought it meant the European Union
How did Disney toss the EU aside?
This is true for the deep seek app, not the published network.
You should put Attribution under your quotes. The parent is the only thing you can quote without.
When you just see this I expect them to have edited their post. If there was an easy way to see prior versions of a comment that would be fine.