I work a job where I deal with a lot of deadlines. I've never missed one, but my priority schedule works on a FAFO basis. We FA until it comes to being almost time to FO, and we really don't want to FO.
So then I tear ass through my tasks until I've done two weeks worth of work in an afternoon lol
There’s a part I need to install in my car. The box has been sitting right next to the front door for two weeks…I’ll knock it out over the weekend I promise
(Narrator: He will in fact most likely watch hockey and drink beer on the couch)
I got a referral to get screened, but they never submitted the referral. I followed up about 8 months later at my annual physical, because that's kind of how this works. My doc asked if I went, I said I never got a call from them, and she said I should have called sooner and not wait so long, which is mildly infuriating given the nature of the condition I think I have. After my apt, they sent off a referral and told me I could expect a call within a few days. It never came, so I messaged my physicians office a couple of weeks later and they gave me the number of the center to call and follow up on the referral, which is now months later and not done. I know I just have to make a call, but it feels damn near like the hardest thing I need to do. I'm also heavily considering changing physicians. The first slip up is infuriating, but whatever, it's easier to stay than switch doctors. However, the response I received telling me to follow up on the referral that the doctor's office submitted feels like someone who didn't want to deal with me.
Anyway... 35 here and it gets worse each year, so I really do need to follow up and at least see if it's something I can get meds for, or if I'm just screwed up and need to just "cope" until I die. The alcohol consumption will probably ensure that I'm not old and decrepit, so I've got that going for me.
That's similar to my experience with getting diagnosed in my early 30s (after forgetting about a childhood diagnosis with no treatment). Missing from the statement is the profound impact to self-esteem from being incapable of doing things that one should be readily capable of and being told that one needs to "apply themselves", as well as the emotional self-harm from judging oneself by neurotypical standards.
Also, good seeing you posting again, Stamets. Hope things are going well.
34! I was hoping one day I'd figure out what to do in life and through that knowledge everything would just click into place and things would feel good and right and worth doing. Turns out the answer to life's great mystery is amphetamine.
I've just accepted that that's never going to be something I can do and that existence is pointless and miserable and I'm not capable of doing anything more than killing time till I die